Supported Pest Control Communities

A Project of The Forest Bridge TrustKayla Sutton -from Matakana School - and stoats June 2016 - permission to use given -credit Hayley Sutton - small

Landowners, farmers and students are all getting on board with pest control – with support from The Forest Bridge Trust.
The Trust’s vision is to create a connected landscape of healthy forest and flourishing indigenous wildlife from the Kaipara Harbour in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east.

Pest control is one part of that……

CatchIT Schools is a citizen science project that engages students in learning about the threats to our native species and motivates them to become hands-on trappers in their own backyards. The children record and analyse their catch data, to work out what is the best way to catch their target animal – and also catch a lot of pests along the way.

CatchIT Communities includes individuals or groups of landowners keen to do animal pest control on their properties. The Trust runs workshops teaching people how to go about pest control –  and  for people with key habitat, a pest control advisor assists owners to develop a plan for their property.
We partner in this project with the University of Auckland